Move into into depth by forward players is extremely important in possession - not only for giving an option toward goal but to create space between lines.

If forwards are still, they usually occupy the same zone as players between the lines, making a long flat forward line...
The players in the build-up zones then circulate and probe the defense trying to find a way forward but there isn’t a clean forward passing option into midfield or into depth, and the opponent congests the area.

Off-ball forward runs are crucial for proper spacing.
Ideally you’d like to create a situation in possession where you have many options - this forces an opponent to make decisions what to cover and what to leave open - then you expose that.

Options into depth, on the wing, inside the opponent formation should be available.
So as a coach when you look at spacing in possession and the circulation of the ball to find an open player I think it’s important to consider:
- forward runs into depth
- wide players open on the wing
- multiple players staggered inside the opp. formation
- back pass options
I think a really good possession game not only has good spacing and fast, clean passing/receiving...but well coordinated giving of options in the areas mentioned above to give multiple passing options to the player running with the ball.

Each player should get these options!
It’s then really important that each player who has all these options given to them has good perception to see the options and the opponent response, guided decision making to make the most effective choice for the team, and high level execution to do the action
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