Thanks to those who shared their stories or pledged to call out #racism when I discussed #RacisminAustralia last week

And thanks to the less constructive responders. You've helped me classify things racists & those who want to perpetuate racism say when you point it out. Thread.
1) Denial (specific) - “that didn’t happen”

2) Denial (general) - “racism does not take place here”

both show ignorance. Those who don't experience racism or want it to continue choose to bury their head in the sand. Also tied in with the next point…
3) Idealisation - “X is the best country in the world”

some struggle with the idea that their country is imperfect, so refuse to accept racism exists. Leaves no room for improvement

4) Discrediting - “you must have an ulterior motive” (e.g. to get attention)

the old ad hominem
5) Gaslighting - “that’s not racism”

trying to make you question your experience

6) Trivialising - “it’s just a joke”

disregards the impact of racial abuse

7) Normalisation - “it happens everywhere”

illogical, doesn't follow that we should not address it in any given place
8) Silencing - “stop complaining”

9) Dismissing - “get over it, toughen up”

10) Victim blaming - “you must have done something to deserve it”

these three primarily show a failure of basic empathy
11) Misrepresentation - “how dare you say our country/people are racist”

12) Counterclaims - “you must be racist”

13) Deflection - “what about your country/people”

highlighting racism mistaken as a generalised attack on a country / its residents, retaliation is generalised too
14) Disparaging - "you’re a race-baiter / trouble maker”

change feels troublesome for those wanting to maintain
the status quo

15) Delegitimising - “if you don’t like it leave”

i.e. you have less right to be there or raise concerns due to your skin colour

16) Overt racism.
All very similar to psychological tools of abuse generally. Some used by enablers of abuse, others by abusers.

We don't always think of racism as a type of abuse but that is what it is.

In Western nations people of colour are in an abusive relationship with the establishment.
We depend on it like others but are expected to accept racial abuse, discrimination, and disadvantage as part of the deal.

This abusive relationship started with invasions, slavery, colonialism and continues now through structural, institutional & individual racism.
Another way to conceptualise racism is group narcissism. Race is integral to identity, so racism is inherently narcissistic.

Also explains the defensive responses when you point out racism exists - narcissism comes with a fragile ego that cannot tolerate criticism.
Racism affects mental health for people of colour via intergenerational trauma, experiences of racism, expectation of discrimination & internalised beliefs of our inferiority

As with all abuse stopping it will take us refusing to tolerate it & for the abuser to change behaviour.
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