The only people who advise young people to skip college are those with no education

Getting a marketing degree is useless

Cardiac surgeons make $1M annually

Online income is a hustle and has a duration

I'm all for entrepreneurship but advice shouldn't come from the uneducated
Many Youtubers are Multimillionaire teenagers, but they are the minority.

Having an online hustle is like the 80's drug dealer.

They're all broke now.

The era of the drug dealing hustle is over.

Most hustles and gigs today aren't sustainable.
Today, everyone is a copywriter.

They all just simply read a book.

Eventually, the market becomes as over-saturated as those Business Administration degrees.

Everything goes in cycles.

Hustlers don't tell how many times they've been broke

There's no security in it.
And while security isn't your only goal

Eventually, when you have a family to feed and a house to care for, security is what your wife wants.

When you're living for today, plan for tomorrow.
To the reverse, going to college and having a career without having the ability to hustle will leave you in misery.

The goal is building a sustainable business with your skillset.

Sustainable is the key since most businesses do not make it beyond the three year mark.
There is more than one way to skin a cat.

What works for someone else may not work for you.

And what works for them today will not be working ten years from now.

Seek guidance from the wise.

Young people should never be your advisors.

They hold no wisdom.
Whether you decide college is for you or not, to succeed in the United States of America, you must learn the money game.

There are few things that have stood the test of time to wealth acquisition.

I give you the blueprint here: 
You can follow @GolferGirl305.
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