Nepotism is in every field. I am a first generation lawyer. I was denied many internships as I didn't have any links but then I was also given internships becoz I did well at things. I was not selected for jobs despite wonderful interviews but I was also selected at another place
where I still work. Today while I interview candidates for internship, I try being unbiased but if someone really close to me asks for a reference, I do give that because that is how you support the people around u. I will become wrong the day I deny an excellent candidate with
no links an opportunity over an idiot who has no knowledge, zeal and zest but a link/reference. So it is important for people who give opportunities to be balanced. A talent should not be let down over a no talent. For candidates it is important to understand that instead of
being disheartened, keep trying. A person with reference might achieve a set goal in a span of 5 years which you may achieve in a span of 10 years. It is all about being self satisfied and contended. It is all about being determined. You may be rejected by 10 people but then..
there is always that one opportunity that is waiting for you. All you need us to grab that opportunity and make the most of it. Never be disheartened as today you might be at this side of the table but tomorrow you will be at the other side of the table and someone else will be..
at the place you were. All you need to remember at that time is to be balanced and rational. Promote your people and known but equally promote others. That is how the cycle goes and that is how the cycle should go. Break the wheel & grab your that "one opportunity" & make most..
of it. It is only your determination and perseverance at the end that matters. Life is never fair to anyone. And everyone has a pressure to carry forward the legacy. So believe upon yourself and there is nothing that you cannot achieve.
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