Women who are endowed always turn to show their bumbum in pictures because it is important. The part of the brain responsible for that function is older than the part that recognises words and numbers. It is a primordial instinct whose function is to attract suitable mate.
A study found that evolution has preferred women with a spine curvature of 45 degrees because it allowed them to remain mobile throughout pregnancy without risk of injuring themselves. Which makes women who posses such more attractive to the male.
Literally a study that scientifically explains why men like women who are endowed in the back end. They are good/better developers of babies.

The curve at the bottom of a woman’s spine allows her to significantly shift weight, and without this ability, pregnant women
may face a serious disadvantage.

According to the study, without a spine curvature of this degree the pressure on a woman’s hips during pregnancy would increase by 800 percent. This would cause her to not only become largely immobile, but also put her at risk for sustaining
serious injury.

Lead researcher Dr. David Lewis, says it’s believed that our male ancestors developed a sexual attraction to women with big butts because it increased their chances of having offspring which would live long enough to pass on their DNA.
A 2014 study found that women with larger waist-to-hip ratios had higher levels of the hormone needed to get pregnant, and therefore possessed increased chances of fertility. Another study found an association between large bottoms and intelligence, presenting evidence
that women with a bigger difference between their hips and waist were not only more intelligent themselves, but also gave birth to more intelligent children.

Ultimately, people like different things and maybe those men who do not like big bumbum now are those whose ancestors
weren't part of the top dog so they had to settle for whatever they got lol.

I'm just saying ni o.

So, when women do that thing where they turn around it is aimed at attracting mate and there's a scientific explanation for why they are interested in letting us know how
endowed they are. It all goes back to attractiveness to the male homosapiens and they cannot help it, it most cases; they'll even find it is a reflex action. Displaying for sexual attention is a common thing in the animal kingdom, just like peacocks show their feathers,
human females show their backsides. Even the ones wey no too get. Lol

That's science and you cannot argue with it. 😑
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