my opinions (like if someone would care) on marriage and babies for deckerstar since i see this all over my timeline : i think that a wedding isn't totally out of character for lucifer, in the opposite i think he would be genuinely happy if it does happen. THREAD
we saw him saying multiple times his opinion on wedding, how serious he took it, even if yeah he did married candy just to pretend, but clearly if chloe comes and propose to him i don't think he's going to say no, maybe he will be doubtful and hesitate more for chloe future tho
he loves big gestures of love, he is a big romantic and i'm sure he would be agree to have chloe as his wife and to be his husband. NOW i think a wedding isn't necessary at all ! and i'll find it a little soppy if it's adressed in the stereotypical way
We know how deep deckerstar love each other, to me a wedding would be just like having a big party to claim their love. Even tho i feel like it would be meaningful to chloe (and also for lucifer)
to promise to not give up on each other, to love each other and stuff, it is meaningful for humans. idk but it"s reassuring to guarantee the love by saying vows. it think chloe would love it.
i know that's also kind of pathetic to think like that but well
BABIES: yeah this one i agree more when ppl say it's not in character for lucifer, i don't think he want kids. And even if it does happen i could see it as non planned. Wich doesn't mean lucifer will not be able to raise and educate a child.
a lot of ppl have already done this, feeling like they aren't able to raise a child but are actually doing it anyway. tho Humans adapt. But it will be very hard for lucifer i think, and like being the child of the Devil, that has BIG father issue it just deserves its own show
So i think a wedding is more possible than a baby. But knowing that s5 could be/is (?) the last yeah non of this pls bc i rather see other stuff to get adressed, and for deckerstar they will just start dating and to me things will get too fast.
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