One of the key features of modern capitalist society is the way it diffuses responsibility, and makes it hard to match cause and effect. If I sell doctored drugs to someone and they die, the responsibility is clear [1/lots]
If I buy shares in a cigarette company that hides the evidence of lung cancer, works on making cigarettes more addictive, and causes millions of deaths... how can anyone map my profit to any particular one of those deaths?
Climate change is a killing machine. As global temperatures rise, extreme weather events become more common. More people die in floods and fires. More people are driven from their homes by rising sea waters or drought.
We know what the inputs are. We know that it is our emissions that is causing those deaths, that massive human misery. We can't draw a neat line between *this* dead child and *that* private jet, but we know they are connected.
Climate justice *is* social justice. It is fundamentally unjust that we live in one of the richest countries in the world, using far more than our share of the world's resources, and some of the poorest people in the world are paying for our inaction on climate.
Fracking natural gas is an immensely damaging process. The people who have to live with the damage are those too poor to move away. We have a simple yes or no choice here. Go into government and ban imports, or stay out and watch as Shannon LNG is built.
Justice can't stop at the end of our street, or at our national border. We have to think globally, and act locally. We have to do what we can for the people we can't see, as well as the people we can.
Ireland is lucky. We'll be one of the last countries to be badly hit by climate change.
But our transport system is killing us. Vehicle emissions shorten our lives, particularly those who are already vulnerable. A country built around cars is strangling active travel, causing endemic poor health.
And there is a steady drip-drip of road deaths, our ongoing sacrifice to car culture.
When our transport system is based on the idea that everyone has a car, those without are left isolated and unsupported. Cities built on cars mean pedestrians, wheelchairs, buggies, the blind... are blocked at every turn. We can change thousands of lives for the better.
Direct Provision has been a stain on the country for 20 years. People come to us fleeing persecution, and we lock them in camps for private profit. We have a chance to end this terrible toll of human misery. Or we can walk away.
Tens of thousands of people in this country are undocumented. They live in fear that if they visit family, if they get sick, if they are unlucky enough to come to the attention of the authorities for any reason, they will be deported. We have the power to change these lives.
A national anti-racism strategy is desperately needed. A citizens' assembly on addiction and drugs could move us away from an approach which is not working, that hits our poorest communities hardest.
In the Green party, we take policy development seriously. We are constantly working on policies that we think will improve people's lives. So many of those policies are in this PFG.
We went to the public this year and asked for their votes. We said that we needed to take action, on climate and on a host of other things. We asked them to give us the power to act.
There are a lot of policies we didn't get into the PFG. But the policies that we did manage to include, the ones we have a chance now to implement, will transform lives.
The climate change killing machine is not stopping, it is speeding up. The longer it continues, the more misery it will cause, the more people it will kill. We have the power, not to stop it, but to start slowing it down.
We have to live with any harm we cause. But we were given power by people who trusted us to act, to do the best we can with the tools we were given. If we lay down those tools and walk away, are we not equally responsible for the suffering we chose not to prevent?
(I think there are about 4 people in the Green party who haven't already decided how to vote, and none of them will read this. But I had to get it out of my head)
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