Obvi you’re not gonna radicalize over night by reading a book. But if a lot of y’all listened to blk women, you would learn sum😭. The problem is y’all spend so much time speaking over them, and not enough time reflecting on how you could be unpacking your own internalized bias
The “work” requires self awareness and reflection. Why do you think womanism centers spirituality as a main proponent of activism..a lot of y’all niggas don’t be willing to look at yourselves critically. How tf you finna heal if you’re not ready to meet your own demons
When we say blk men are killing trans women & black women, what do y’all say to that? How are you showing up for us? When we show up for you, and fight for you, we expect you to do the same. The challenge in unifying stems from a fundamental lack of respect and compassion
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