1/The only time I've tweeted on getting blocked. If you forego top doctors, epidemiologists, & a medical Nobel Laureate for a pharmacist--while these former have been accurate on COVID before everyone else--you are really an idiot. Just no idea how to examine issues seriously.
2/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry on the WHO's approach to COVID
3/Dr. Alan Preston, Prof of Epidemiology: "This is a rookie 101 mistake in epidemiology. You don't take the incidence rate to figure out the [case] fatality. You look at the prevalence. & it was stunning that the media would put on these so-called experts & not raise this issue."
4/Sen. Dr. Scott Jenson, M.D.

The information in this thread is in this Tony Robbins interview:
4/Dr. Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic. On the COVID-19 fatality rate:
4/Dr. Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic.
6/Dr. Dan Erickson, M.D.

All information in this thread is in this compilation of interviews Tony Robbins did:
7/Dr. Artin Massihi
8/Dr. Artin Massihi, on the difficulty people have of adjusting to new data that shows COVID is similar to the flu.
9/Dr. Eran Bendavid, Professor of Medicine at Stanford, on mainstream COVID narrative data:
10/Dr. Eran Bendavid, Professor of Medicine at Stanford.

Reference: Dr. Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, on COVID fatality rate: "Look at 60 & under, it's less than .002%."
11/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry

Interview w Tony Robbins:
12/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry. On COVID deaths:
13/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry. "The total number of excess [COVID] deaths [as of May 7] is 160,000, maybe 170,000. Basically, that's about the same number of people who died in excess way in the flu season of 2017/2018."
14/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry. On COVID deaths being counted as COVID deaths, "no matter what the cause," thus inflating & falsifying the reported number of COVID deaths you see in the news.
15/Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, on falsification of reported COVID deaths by hospitals, which have been financially incentivized to do so.

"An N-95 mask filters out particulate matter larger than .3 microns. So the question then is how big is a COVID particle. A COVID particle is about .1 micron....this idea of people doing anything particularly useful w...a mask is just LOONEY TUNES." - Sen. Dr. Scott Jenson, M.D.
17/From the New England Journal of Medicine on masks for COVID: "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection."
18/From the US Department of Labor, on surgical masks for COVID: "Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration."
19/From "Inside Surgery," a premier surgeon's journal, in 2009 during the swine flu outbreak, in an article titled "Standard Surgical Masks Do Not Protect Wearer From Getting Swine Flu." "For the prevention of transmission of swine flu this type of mask is ESSENTIALLY WORTHLESS."
20/If you believe COVID fatality numbers that Western govts & the mainstream media give you at face-value, you're not thinking at all. "Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19 are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto."
21/Near death experiences are an area of transpersonal psych & an increasing area of research, as they overlap w a unifying view of spirituality & religion. A small minority experience future visions, & these are remarkably non-contradictory & grounded. https://twitter.com/jcho710/status/1266328407706492931
You can follow @jcho710.
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