Signs things aren’t going so well: I wondered, so I asked, when’s the last time you talked to that side bitch from back in the day?
“Uhhhhhh... uhhhh... uhhhh... before we started dating... she uhh broke up with her s/o and got in another relationship... uhhh she cut me off tho.”
She fucked you through her whole last relationship then pulled a 180 and decided to be faithful to this new chick? SHE CUT YOU OFF?? Lmao smells fishy and I’m pretty sure it’s cuz you’re fuckin someone else in our bed.
Maybe he doesn’t remember the last time he saw his old hoe. I know when I last saw my side piece. No fuckin “uhhhhh” about it. I agreed to be loyal and honest and from that moment on I was.. against my better judgment. I miss comfortable consistency. In the name of love😂fuck me.
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