sealions: i bet you've never heard of SOCRATES, snowflake
me, a diogenes fan: this you?
maieutics is actually a very effective *teaching* method, which is how socrates used it, by the way, but a) there's more to it than just asking questions to which you already know the answers and b) you aren't socrates
the word "maieutics" literally translates as "midwifery" and refers to the method of guiding students towards knowledge by helping bring forth understanding from within themselves rather than just rote-teaching them things you want them to know
an example of the maieutic method: asking students questions about things they've already observed to make them think critically about their observations, leading to further insights
not an example of the maieutic method: asking "but what IS racism, really?" over and over
anyway never forget everyone socrates knew found him so insufferable they literally wanted to kill him and his idea of a witty retort to that was to kill himself to own his critics, so if you're going to uncritically declare yourself dedicated to the socratic method, commit
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