this is a wildly misleading policy and i’ll tell you why
the purpose of this policy isn’t to strictly discriminate against asians, they’re just trying to diversify their campuses as the black populations there are very small
yes, i believe in a merit based system. but think to yourself why black students are admitted in lower percentages.
it’s due to the lack of opportunity to present impressive applications (not able to afford/have access to good sat/act improvement classes, summer camps, extracurriculars, etc)
a merit based system is only possible by funding education systems and providing opportunities in black communities so they have the same opportunities as asians. this way, everyone has a fair chance. the system should be built like this in the first place
the current proposal gives more opportunities for people who would usually be declined to these schools an environment to thrive. i see it simply as the schools investing in more students that they see have potential to thrive, not just admitting them because they are black.
and the idea of this being seen as anti-asian racism has implications that other minorities are not worthy of going to UCs, which could not be further from the truth
don’t see this as a blatantly racist attack on the asian community, but as a way to deliver a world class education to more hard working black people to uplift their communities. the shrinking of asian admits is due to the fact that they are THE MAJORITY in many UC campus
if you find this new policy threatening and you think it will hurt your chances, don’t blame a black person. recheck yourself and see if you were a good enough candidate anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️
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