#GalwanDebacle Part III. Mil Failures. Biggest failure of military is.Why have Generals become dummies? First PMO is not supposed to issue Military Orders. Its illigal. Political directions must come from CCS. Were any such directions issued after CCS consulting Army Chief? No
#GalwanDebacle if no such directions came from CCS then why did Generals down the chain in command till Corps Cdr allowed PMO to control military operations? CDS is only adviser to Def Minister and Secy of Govt of India... He has no authority of Command over Military Chiefs..
#GalwanDebacle Why did Army Chief run around to residences of ministers briefing them? Worst he was stopped at gates of such residences and checked.. Neverever let your constitutional status be compromised.. You will lose respect in eyes of troops..which you have.
Now can any General Answer? . Why basic military tactics of Fire and Move and making every military move under covering fire supported by reserves were violated? Why were troops send unarmed? CO is always on Bravo Net.. Where in Bde Cdr and GOCs can hear him.. Why no reaction?
#GalwanDebacle how could these Cdrs allow enemy to lynch soldiers including CO... Will you wait for orders from PMO or protect your men? Why was enemy not fired upon... If you want such orders from PMO then better resign and go home...Every Soldier has right of Self defence
Another question... In first attack by enemy you gave prisioners... You knew what kind of weapons enemy is using... What preparations did you make to counter it? For this also you need orders from PMO?
You allowed Dowal to command a small cross border raid hyped as Surgical Strike.
movie mocked Generals.. How can you accept your sidelining.. Which is against constitutional framework? History will record your failures... Politicians have no shame or pride.. Why to sell yours?
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