It's probably terrible for my mental health and my general perceptions of the world but I can't look away from these self-criticism/struggle sessions threads
At first I thought the Cultural Revolution analogy was just a convenient shorthand, and hey, let's be honest, it's pretty common for right-liberals (like me) to fall back on Communism as a bogeyman
But it works so well. The accused apologises, criticises themself extensively, pledges to re-educate and "do better" in future.
The "attendees" basically deconstruct why the apology isn't good enough (it's never good enough), and makes it clear that nothing is forgiven or forgotten.
The crowd rebukes the accused, either in the passive-aggressive "educational" tone of the diversity consultant grifter, or sometimes just with plain insults. Follow-up questions are asked, sometimes with a sheen of politeness, sometimes not
Notice that nobody in this thread seems to realize or care that Twitter is a public platform, that is, of course, beside the point
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