I’m sitting in a hairdressers listening to a middle class white lady loudly talk about how dumb poor people are because “they vote against their interests” and I think this may be the purest distillation of liberalism I have ever witnessed. Some absolute pearlers such as:
“I will just never understand how people vote for people who so clearly think of them as idiots” (no self-awareness here, none)
“I have a cousin who is the [high ranking member of the ALP] and did you know she had to have a boring haircut while she was in Canberra so as not to upset the boys?! I just thought she had shit taste hahahahaha girl power!”
“Did you know that people in the US don’t even bother to vote?! Barack Obama was saying the other day that people just need to get out and vote!”
“Trump is such an idiot, how can people vote for him?! Like, what on earth could make you do that? Don’t people know what’s good for them?!”
Oh Jesus she’s a teacher
Sorry about this thread everyone. I just needed to write something down or risk it all for a class based analysis on the hairdresser floor
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