Cedric Richmond called out Matt Gaetz for not knowing what it's like to be African American. Gaetz revealing a secret Cuban son to parade on Fox News still does not mean he knows what it's like to be African American. https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1273774246443937793
Yet these fucking dweebs sit there grinning in agreement with Nestor, who looks like he's reading off cues. That they think this is a huge lib own is pathetic. Gaetz has further insulted Rep. Cedric Richmond and should apologise.
Gaetz thinking he knows what it's like to be part of the Black community by *checks notes* lying about adopting a Cuban boy and wheeling him out for Tucker Carlson as a political prop, is beyond offensive.
Polite note to race-baiting Republicans: Just because you have people of colour in your family or friend circle does not mean you cannot be racist. See Mark Meadows as a strong example.
What's particularly weird is the amount of retweets Gaetz is doing, from different people claiming to know his son Nestor and that he definitely exists. Trying a little too hard to convince us, if you ask me.
The People interview he shared is interesting.

Nestor already has a father living in Miami.

Gaetz hasn't actually adopted Nestor.

Apparently he was "easier" to live with once 18.

And, despite claiming to love him like a son, keeps reiterating they are 'not blood-related'.
It's shameful Gaetz believes using a Cuban boy as a political prop is acceptable. The right will wrongly claim he's owned the libs. All he's done is weaponise a POC to massage his ego, which is gross.

He still has no right comparing his experience to that of the Black community.
He even boasts about how he used Nestor to manipulate voters into putting up campaign yard signs which, again, is pretty goddamn gross.
How a white man w/ wealth, power, & privilege thinks secretly raising a Cuban boy is remotely comparable to a Black man raising a family in the Black community is alarming. It's part of the problem the USA has: white ignorance attempting to soften or lessen the Black experience.
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