So this thread is for #ChristianTwitter alone. I never thought I’d have to do this—but I must because I am complicit if I keep quiet.

For about 5yrs now, I’ve observed from dodgy to downright heretical teachings & practices by Pastor Enoch Adeboye.

But now he’s gone full rogue.
First, a little context.
The first times I saw erroneous teachings from Daddy GO, they all had to with money—Tithe & seed issues. You might be able to argue those, but if you don’t know about the One World Religion plans fully in play led by the Pope & the UN, you need to wake up
The video you just saw was from early 2018. Since then the One World Religion crusade has gained lots of steam, building Ecumenical Centers all around the world. Nigeria already has at least 4.
Ecumenical Centers are places where people of all religions gather to worship as one.
The basic principle is this—all religions worship the same God. This automatically negates Jesus’s assertion that He is The Way, The Truth & The Life and nobody can come to God except through him.
Now guess who is the champion of the One World Religion for Nigeria?

Yep—Daddy GO.
Pastor Enoch Adeboye has united with the UN & his “brothers of different faiths” to bring peace to the earth—but the Bible makes it abundantly clear that every peace that is formed out of Christ’s coming is nothing but the Anti Christ at work.
It gets more sinister.
The same year Pope Francis made his One World Religion nudge clear (2018), Pastor Adeboye did 2 very shocking things.
The first was letting people come and venerate his seat in his absence (touching it like you would a talisman),
The second—see for yourself
Yes, church folk—that is a magic wand. In church. In a church service. Held high by none other than arguably the single most influential clergyman in all Africa.

And yes, I saw these videos of the OWR & the Wand for the first time this week, or else I’d have done this long ago.
It’s only natural for those who have followed Pastor Adeboye so devotedly all this while to either make excuses for this, or even defend it, or worse—attack the messenger. But let God be true and every man a liar.

A special thank you to @jcokechukwu for being a watchman on this.
“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”
Mark 13:22 NKJV

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”
Matthew 24:24 NKJV

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