A1: There are some models that are getting close but we haven’t yet moved the needle enough. Most of #meded has focused on diversity and inclusion but has yet to address belonging. Policy change is what will make a difference. #mededchat /1 https://twitter.com/MedEdChat/status/1273783808098070529
A1: For example, we must take a critical look at discrimination/harassment policies and redesign them through participatory approaches with BIPOC faculty and learners. Power and hierarchy feed the problem. More egalitarian governance structures are needed. #mededchat /2
A1: In our existing system, anyone speaking up about racial or gender violence is punished or branded a troublemaker. We need more robust whistleblower protections in #meded #mededchat /3
A1: Also, an intersectional approach to equity/diversity/inclusion/belonging in #MedEd is essential. #mededchat https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545569/ 
A1: Lastly, we should move beyond surveys and self-report and do better at collecting data and incorporate diverse ways of seeing and knowing this issue. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods should be valued. #mededchat
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