Since a lot of people don’t know where to start when it comes to educating yourself, here’s a thread of resources (a lot that are by black authors and some that are free) to serve as introductory pieces!
( if you have any recs that I don’t add feel free to add them!)

This is a link to a bunch of black radical books you can read and download for free. Comprised by @coolbeanart on IG

“Are Prisons Absolete” by Angela Davis. Essentially the abolitionist bible (I recommend for anyone who is on the fence between reformation and abolition)
“All Boys Arent Blue” by George Johnson. If it’s one book from this thread that you read make it this one!! Talks about how you can better be there for queer boys of color. If your activism is not intersectional it is meaningless!!!
You can follow @anyasrevenge.
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