I've learned a lesson today about something. You're always going to deal with scrutiny and ire from people in your profession, even if you are the most kind and upstanding person.

The truth is, some people will simply just not like you. It can be because of jealousy, insecurity,
what you post, it can be a variety of reasons.

For the longest time, I would be scared if I found out someone held animosity towards me. I'd be afraid they'd say things about me to important people, or be out to get me.

But it was discussing that feeling with a colleague today
that I realized. Worrying about it is only gonna hurt you more.

As a professional, you're going to draw praise or scrutiny from other people regardless of how you conduct yourself. You can be super nice and there will be people who don't like you.

And that's totally okay!
You can't please everybody, and at the end of the day, it's all really on them for feeling animosity that they'll have to work through

I want to thank the person who told me this today and helped me realize to not get hung up on these things.

Thank you. ❤️
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