About to watch 13th on Netflix

2 hours to generate ideas for collectively solving prisons and slavery (it is just what my brain does)

Will tweet here as I go

It is what I have to offer for June 19th
Here is a solution raising we did a few weeks ago on prisions
We CAN generate real powerful solutions with only 10,000 people and $100,000
Will be doing solution raising in the coming weeks on
- poverty
- addiction
- slavery

We CAN change it, we just have to start
10,000 people and $100,000 can move ANY issue powerfully forward
Proposal: One year of NO black people on media as criminals
not on the news
not on TV shows
nor in movies
bonus points for them being the protagonists

Let's see what happens to our collective consciousnesses and the data that occurs
Public data base of understandable and usable info

- arrests done by officer
- sentences done by judges
- re-offences submitted by parole officers

It is mostly public already, just not organized

Data can show the racism (or rather truth, which I greatly suspect IS racist)
Stories about black leaders
Stories about first nation leaders
Stories about disabled leaders

I want ALL the stories
Track which companies use Prison labor, offer alternatives

Assume ALL "made in America" items are using prison labor (slavery) unless otherwise stated
Non profit bail bonds
Vouche for one another (social credit?)
Pool funds
Nobody should remain in prison while waiting trial because they are too poor to pay
Report on correction officers while in prison and once out (less retaliation of course)

Track recidivism rates and funding by prison what programs are available where?
Worker coops for people who have felony records
Ex prisoner run reentry programs, mentorship

Help one another
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