1. I am fine with a company having this expectation and happy they said it up front. You do you. There are times in my life I'd be happy to do this and other times I wouldn't.

2. BUT... https://twitter.com/imatias/status/1273440528768462848
Frequently "hustle 20, sleep 4, repeat" and "we are a family" trope is used by folks with a steep upside (ie "if this is even a small exit I'm a millionaire") to convince workers with shallow/flat upside (ie. "if this is a small exit I lose $15000") to work themselves to the bone
And the unfortunate truth is that many times startup workers don't understand which of those two groups they are in (i.e. how much is 40,000 shares over 4 years worth if management won't tell you the total common shares out there?).
So I dont have any problem with that job listing and am happy they said it up front. But if you are a candidate and see that or a similar line, make sure you are in the steep upside group or are compensated in some real way such that you feel it is worth it. (big title bump etc)
I can't find the video but a few years ago a guy asked @garyvee how he could get his workers to work longer hours and care as much about the company's success as he did.

Gary's answer was spot on: "Give them half the company"
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