petitions to help the current situation some parts of the middle east are facing, a thread;
btw im adding the china ones because they’re muslims and most middle eastern countries are muslim countries
yemen is a country in the middle east that is being ruined by the israeli army and saudi arabia. it’s been at war since 5 years, and so many innocent lives are being taken for no reason.
innocent yemeni people are facing consequences for things they haven’t done. like famine, drought etc
palestine used to be a beautiful country. but unfortunately,
this has been going on for too long. we mustn’t stay silent anymore. they are being forced out of their homes, leaving them homeless in a country that is well known for harming innocent palestinian lives.
videos to educate you and show you the situation:
palestinians are being killed and forced out of their homes for wanting back something that is rightfully theirs.
the syrian crisis is a conflict in syria that has been going on for years and is continuing to worsen. not only is it a conflict but it is an armed conflict. meaning they have deadly weapons that they use to killy syrians for absolutely no reason.
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