Story time! When I visited Salem this was our first stop and we started the night tour here. While waiting for the tour to start I was standing right here at this corner (those are real graves btw) and I smelled smth horrible and oppresive that I never smelled before. (thread)
It was like. I can't even explain what it was like, it was just rotten, and kind of dark and heavy like a perfume you can't get out of your nose. It came out of nowhere, and my mom smelled it too. My uncle didn't smell anything and neither did anyone else on the tour.
I've never been to a funeral and before this trip to Salem I'd never even gone NEAR gravestones or a cemetery. I've had a bunch of ghost experiences so I was a little nervous to come to Salem in the first place because I'm pretty sensitive to that stuff.
Well I was just minding my own business and that smell came about. I knew immediately that it was just. Death. Whatever was causing those smells came from the tombstones we were standing next to. I just knew. My mom and I were already spooked. So then the tour started.
The tour guide led us through this grove of trees at one point that just. Jesus christ it was just suffocating. The tour group had been talking and shit and just generally casual up until that point, but the volume dropped off immediately in these trees. I couldn't breathe.
It was seriously like being in a padded room with no way out. When we passed through out the other side I was so relieved. Me and my mom were like "Yeah I'm not doing that again." We were taken to the big cemetery where most of the victims of the Witch trial were buried.
I unfortunately didn't catch any ghosts on camera(I think??) but the woman next to me caught an orb in one of her photographs. Here are some pics of mine that MAYBE contain something? I could never decide for sure. Could be matrixing.
Either way, throughout Salem in general I got the sense we were being watched, especially through upper windows. It's worthy to note that our hotel was in Peabody instead of Salem center, and whenever we drove into the center, and the entire time I spent there, I was dizzy af.
Like my balance was completely disrupted. The energy was just mad strong everywhere. At one point on the tour we went by the spot where Giles Corey was pressed to death. My mom made a comment about him deserving it for ratting out his wife. The next day she woke up with
extreme back pain. That first night in the hotel after the night tour, I woke up around 4 and saw a figure standing at the bed, and another near the closet. I told them to go home.
So the next morning we go back to the church at the start of this thread. That smell? Gone. No trace of it. Whatsoever. That was spooky.

We went to the witch dungeon museum.
You couldn't pay me to go through that again.
So it's exactly what it sounds like: they take you down into the basement of this building where they have replica holding cells and actors pretending to be the prisoners and the tour guide tells you about it all. Before you go down there, they reenact one of the real trials.
I almost freaked out during the trial. Like I almost started crying. I could feel that energy really strong. And then we went down in the basement and I just straight up wanted to die. Like the acting wasn't that great and everything, but you could feel that energy they were
stirring up and it hit me so damn hard. It was really tragic and horrible. I had to sit down for a few mins once we got out of there. Didn't like it at all.

So later on we went back to the big cemetery, so we could see it during the day.
I walked around, took a few pictures. So idk how many of you get this too but when you kind of feel ghosts or whatever you get flash images or ideas put in your head. As I was walking I kept getting the letter 'M' in my mind over and over and couldn't figure out why.
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