For a long time I tried to write Celeste as someone with Aymeric. Good looks, good attitude, generally precious and too good for this world, if a bit idealistic.

And way too "perfect" for Cel in the end. No matter how much I wrote her with him, it ended up very one sided...
Which is interesting in its own right, and very fun to explore! I think Cel comes off as very distant, and this unreachable pillar of virtue or something to a lot of characters, being a WOL.

She's really not. And that pedestal people put her on only serves to push her away...
So then there are characters who eschew that, or outright mock it. Cid, Nero, Zenos, Emet -- there are others I'm missing, no doubt. But more often than not, the characters that do are outside her immediate circle of Scions and other leaders...
Aymeric and Hien are two notable people who very much believe she's her own person, but also aren't quite above painting her as this unstoppable force -- not yet, and not even with the repeated defeats at Zenos's hand.

Which is probably why she's close to them...
But she's not interested in them romantically.

This thread has really gone off-kilter.
All I'm saying is: let the wol have some more personal time, breathing room, and maybe a little breakdown, as a treat.
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