Since I want people to get in on this amazing thing

What is the @publishing_post? 🧐🪴

It's a fortnightly magazine BY publishing hopefuls, FOR publishing hopefuls. If you're interested in publishing, you should hit that Follow button.


The Publishing Post was founded this month(!) by @_ch3ls3agraham. Publishing hopeful poured their support for this initiatives and now we have a whole system up and running!

We're still in the baby stages, but we're getting there impressively fast. There are 120+ of us!
What kind of things will you find in an issue?
We have teams for:
- Job opportunities
- Prizes & events
- Book reviews (+)
- Upcoming releases
- BAME voices
- LGBTQ+ rep (I'm here!)
- Bookshop features
- Interviews with Hopefuls & professionals (+)
- Upskilling & tips
- Production insights
- Trends
- Children's books

The (+) indicates that there are multiple "specialisations" within that umbrella term.

So as you can see, there is A LOT of publishing content in Every. Single. Issue.
We also have a team of proofreaders, designers and typesetters (it's me again!), and social media managers.

Basically, we're working on all levels as a professional publication. In the span of a few days.

This is the power of entry-level candidates and publishing hopefuls.
Just take a moment, the space of this tweet, to let that sink in.

Bask in the awesomeness.
We want to make publishing clearer and more accessible by gathering lots of news and resources in a single publication that is not behind a paywall. We want to celebrate our industry and those who work & wish to work in it.

At least this is how I'm envisioning it...
So now you're mad excited about this magazine, you can't wait to get your paws on it and read all the goodness inside it. Hell yeah! When is the first issue coming out?

Mark your calendars: July 6 is when we will hit those digital shelves. There will be a signup link up soon.
And that's why you really wanna hit that Follow button.

Join the @publishing_post community and get in on the splendiferousness of this initiative.

(that's a nifty Word Of The Day for you)

Thank you for reading and I will see you on July 6 👀

Pls RT to spread the awesomeness.
You can follow @AngelicaCurzi.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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