
Young political twitter needs to get a grip.

When I first got political on here everyone backed each-other. I have memories for life of support from political activists through my life-or-death surgery.

Now it's packed with bullying. Seriously, pull yourselves together
If you're making group chats entirely to attack other people's character... just don't. Disagree, debate, but don't bully people behind their backs. It's low.

Removing context from tweets to bash others doesn't make you a real life Frank Underwood. Just don't do it.
There's been a genuine bubbling up of emotions lately but it needs pointing out that people have literally died from this before. That is where bullying can lead.

This is, undeniably, a terrible time for people's mental health. Don't compound that by trying to hound them online.
I haven't joined a youth group chat in over two years after one became so argumentative that people seemed to be genuinely mentally affected by it. It was so supportive at first but good that it ended.

Yet having a place young people can come together to get support is important
We know how ruthless Twitter can be. People have their lives and careers ruined because of actions they didn't even mean.

So do look out for people. If you think they're making a mistake, tell them. You may be wrong. They may not take it well. Or you could prevent a crisis.
If people's behaviour seems erratic, try and get in touch. Sure you could perhaps embarrass yourself or come off weird, but again, you could make a life changing difference.
Providing a place for support can be huge. We know things like grooming and assault can happen in politics. I've never publicly spoken out on it but I've even been affected. It didn't get to me, but it could have.

Being there for people can change everything for them.
I have, honestly, not met a single one of the people on here who I've disliked in person. Political disagreements? Sure.

But what you see on Twitter at times seems like hatred from some towards others they've never even met.
On Twitter I generally try to avoid talking aside from policies, politicians, debates and scandals.

But this is probably the most real topic of anything. Most of us aren't ever going to shape policy or debate. Yet what's being done on here can change lives, for better or worse.
Can people please get back to the better side. The side of looking out for people, and of trying to protect others?

I've loved this site at times. Yet right now there's almost frequently posts popping up on here of people genuinely attacking each-other personally.
It's a matter of time until something awful happens simply because others couldn't get a grip of themselves.

If you're reading this, and have even the slightest doubt about anything you're involved in or doing, perhaps you should take a period of reflection.

This is important.
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