i thought i was numb by now, but apparently not. this move against the humanities is so short-sighted and dangerous, and proves just how ideological all the government's recent choices have been.
kids straight out of high school aren't ready for the workforce. even if this was brute economics, a broad knowledge base helps them develop the critical thinking that allows them to become good employable worker bees – and good citizens.
any time a young person asks me for advice about their degree, i tell them that i wish i'd done the broadest arts degree possible – that you have no idea about a career at 18, that you'll return to this knowledge base no matter what you end up doing.
i wonder if there are statistics about how many kids who specialise straight out of high school end up pursuing that career long-term. my suspicion would be that as many of them end up changing direction and doing second degrees as arts students do.
universities are already gutting arts faculties with fiscal arguments that don't match up with student enrolments. to now actively dissuade students from enrolling in the humanities at all is outrageous.
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