Yesterday, we had a discussion about how education has been impacted by postmodern relativism. I realized I experienced it first hand about 7 years ago when I took a class on ethics.
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The professor spent several class periods encouraging “open” dialogue on the topic of abortion but it became apparent she was trying to indoctrinate us into accepting her beliefs.
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I asked her, “You believe that the unborn is nothing more than a clump of cells with no sentience whatsoever. But what if you passed a woman who it was very obvious she was pregnant & she was smoking. Would you have a moral judgement about that?”
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She said, “I was expecting that question.” Then she proceeded to quote one of her favorite authors, “If a woman chooses not to have an abortion, she has a moral obligation to protect what she is carrying until it is born and has sentience in & of itself.”
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I remember the students saying, “That makes sense.”
I asked her, “But how do you know she doesn’t have an abortion scheduled for the next day? Would the child then cease to have sentience?”
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I said, “How can that be logical argument against abortion? If what you say is true, sentience is not determined by some objective truth value. It’s determined by the thoughts and decisions of the mother, which can change moment by moment.”
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I realized a couple things yesterday. Her relativistic beliefs made it impossible for this “brilliant” professor to answer a question about a subject matter that she was unyielding about. She had to parrot someone else.
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And her relativistic worldview ended up being self-refuting.
Then we were asked how Christian parents can address relativism. Since professors attempt to indoctrinate students with their own brand of truth, I think from the earliest possible age, parents...
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...need to indoctrinate their children with The Truth. That way, by the time they go to college their kids are able to withstand and combat the fiery darts of relativism.
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