The fascinating trick of racialized thinking that's sweeping America is pretending that if you don't consider the race of the person, you don't consider the person. Therefore, all consideration of all people must be filtered through their racial group.
The Washington Post is sending a signal that you cannot talk about social problems without reducing them to the skin colors of those experiencing them, elevating skin tone to essence and essence to definition. Curiously many ethno nationalists throughout history argued similarly.
The BJP in India, for instance, talks about Hindu interests rather than human interests. Why exactly do we have to distribute health care, public safety, environmental cleanups, education, etc. by sects instead of distributing them to everyone? A lot of ink to justify tribalism.
The white mayor of oakland is investigating a swing set put up by a black man who was using them to exercise because someone claimed that they are nooses. This arrangement of events exists because people see this imaginary thing race in all events now
Of course the impact of racism is real because racism creates race, but the way to end the practice of burning witches is not to believe in witches, it's to come to understand that witchcraft doesn't exist.
Over the past few months the US news media has interpreted basically everything that happens in the United States through the lens of some kind of racial conflict, usually by arranging some combination of anecdotes and statistics to paint that picture.
You can hardly blame a lot of people for really coming to believe in the concept of race and its all defining patterns, even the highest levels of society are telling them, witches are real, and they're everywhere
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