Good thread with some tough love. Also it helps on a linguistic level for people not to ever think of themselves as "allies" as if "ally" is a stable identity (it's not) but rather use "ally" only as a verb. It shouldn't be about what you ARE, it should be about what you DO.
Vague goodwill and self-questioning means absolutely nothing if it's not transformed into action and change. And if white people stressing about "allyship" become too introspective about it, they're in danger of falling into white guilt and self-flagellation.
Guilt is OK as long as it spurs people to make changes so they stop feeling guilty. But sometimes people would rather not make the changes to stop feeling guilty, so they deal with the cognitive dissonance by whipsawing into racial resentment at being "made" to feel guilty.
Anyway here's the great list of white identities by @barnor_hesse and the stage I'm talking about is "White Confessional".
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