Parents concerned about how their children may have been treated by the UK's gender services should know there is an alternative to the 'gender affirming model' of care.

Our Duty is the evidence-based alternative to Mermaids etc. for family support.

Tonight's programme is about GIDS - the service for under 18s. It would seem that more clinicians are expressing the same concerns that our parents have.
#Newsnight #StopTheHarm
Not all parents know their duty. Some parents are homophobic:
There is clearly an issue with safeguarding at The Tavistock. Also, medicalisation still seems to be the default setting. To some degree The Tavistock's hands are tied by the "Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy Version 2" which includes gender identity.
The Memorandum (MOU2) makes it difficult for therapists to truly explore the underlying causes of gender dysphoria.

Moreover, our own research shows that many senior staff believe gender ideology (i.e. that transwomen are women)

Combined, these make therapy nearly impossible.
In addition, when confronted with an assertion that the medical pathway is causing harm, The Tavistock refutes this.

We feel there is a culture of "avoidance and denial" there.

We'll keep on.

Our warmest thanks to @deb_cohen and @hannahsbee for not letting this go.

Finally, we are heartened that there was a strong implication in this report that what is happening at The Tavistock and Portman is conversion therapy.

This is particularly timely as the government is working on a bill to outlaw conversion therapy.
Want more? Here is an excellent thread from Dr Emma Hilton:
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