Sorry but a 2-4 year age gap is extremely relevant when the younger party in question is literally a high schooler and the predator is uni age
nobody is beefing you for being 22 and having a 25 year old partner, bc both people have reached a stage in life where they have experienced adulthood and living away from home
But 16 and 20 is fuckinf weird considering one person hasn’t sat their Highers/A levels yet and the other person has probably moved out of their parents
i feel like once both people have reached a stage in life where they have moved out, started uni or started working and have experienced life independently and are both over legal adult age (obviously avoiding huge 10 year age gaps) an age gap in a relationship is case by case
Abuse and predatory behavior can absolutely still happen but it’s not inherent. But when one person is literally doing high school exams and the other person doing uni exams or moved out from home then it’s inherently wrong and predatory
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