We have the Eclipse in Cancer coming up on 6/21 This can bring up themes surrounding
• Ancestral wounding
• Women in our life
• Releasing the past
• RealEstate / Moving in • Moving out
• Security concerns Emotional/ $$$
• Yin principal / Giving + Receiving
Cancer is a sign strongly linked to femininity; we are the sign that is associated with giving life. We rule the breasts and the womb. The 4th house in astrology rules the cradle to the grave; the beginning and end of life
Usually during The Full Moons • New Moons & Eclipses I do a collective tarot reading to see the energy but this time I was called to pull some cards from the Divine Feminine Oracle and Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle
The central theme for the collective from spirit for this eclipse in Cancer was “Beautiful Bandit” I love this card. It is a 29 which breaks down to an 11 which is a gateway or portal number. 11 is the opening to higher consciousness
These messages apply to everyone obviously we are all made up a feminine and masculine energies let me just throw that out there. In astrology the fire and air signs are considered Yang energy and the water and earth signs are considered the Yin energy
The “beautiful bandit” card is a reminder that we can still be these beautiful, receptive, loving creatures and simultaneously stand up for ourselves & assert boundaries
We do have Pluto & Saturn RX which are huge for reestablishing boundaries + reclaiming our personal power. The beautiful bandit card reminds us that we can do so without feeling guilty! This card also asks us to not beat ourselves up over things that we allowed in the past
“You have a spiritual right to be free from torment, cruelty & mental anguish. You alone own the right to choose your thoughts, reclaim your freedom & to make your own choices You are fierce w wisdom You know that another cannot ever successfully steal what truly belongs to you”
Stand upright & say aloud “I claim the entirety of my divine inheritance. All that is rightfully mine through divine justice and divine mercy is now returned to me. Through my own free will so be it”
I pulled several other cards just to get messages as to what the collective should be doing, working on and what we should be aware of for this Eclipse
The first message was the “goddess of light”. This card encourages us not to dim our light. no matter what is going on currently in the world we cannot allow circumstances to steal our joy, our positivity & our happiness. We are worthy of our own happiness.
The central theme with the beautiful bandit already says we’re not taking shit. The collective energy is: we are putting up our boundaries, we are being bold, we aren’t feeling guilty for it but we can still be a light force while doing that
The next message was Poetess. the guidebook says “we can love unapologetically with the full spectrum of our emotional range & from the fathomless depths of our hearts” Cancer is the sign most linked to feelings This card is first of all about honoring our full range of emotions
This card also says: I love every inch of my body. There’s such a strong message present about loving all of ourselves. Releasing self judgment about the way we look and the way we feel. This is also about honoring our sexuality.
The next message was: The Joy Permeated Mother. “I am my own guru”. For months I have been saying you have to listen to your own intuition. And I mean that with all sincerity. Spend some time tuning out the world and tuning into self.
Cancer is the sign associated with the Mother in the Zodiac; so it isn’t a surprise to see this card appear. This card is about recognizing your own personal power. “there is a bliss we get to experience every time we detach from the surface storms that cause chaos in our lives”
A lot of stuff is going on right now clearly it’s a purgge but we also have shady political agendas & mass manipulation so you really have to sit with yourself & ask what do I need to do for myself & my community? Stop allowing others to dictate who you need to be in this moment
The last message the goddess of discernment!!!! If you take nothing else with you from this reading please use your power of discernment. Does this require my attention? Is this a reality I’m buying into
“ I spend my time wisely”
“ I only say yes when it’s a holy hell yes” how many times do we go along with something that doesn’t have soul resonance with us but we feel obligated. Nothing good comes from doing something you do not feel called to do just to appease another
“discernment is the difference between feeling led by the day, pulled by this way and that and claiming it” The guidebook says to never say yes to anything or anyone from a place of fear or obligation
A lot of messages here about yes being bad ass & not taking any shit while still reflecting your light, still loving yourself and others while listening to your own intuition and embracing your power of discernment
Now let’s get a card pull for every sign
Fire Trinity 🔥
Aries • Leo • Sagittarius
Here are your messages from the Divine feminine oracle for the Eclipse in Cancer
Earth Trinity 🌿
Taurus • Virgo • Capricorn
Here are your messages from the Divine feminine oracle for the Eclipse in Cancer
Phew excuse me Aquarius coming through as Lilith
Air Trinity ☁️
Gemini • LIbra • Aquarius
Here are your messages from the Divine feminine oracle for the Eclipse in Cancer
Cancer resonating hard for me 🙌🏼
Water Trinity 🌊
Cancer • Scorpio • Pisces
Here are your messages from the Divine feminine oracle for the Eclipse in Cancer
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