Bermudian relationships are DIFFERENT!
Our men are bound to have close female friends because the lack of men in this island? Whew.
Your business is rarely your own. Vent to your bestie who has a bestie and that bestie has no loyalty to you so why hold your secrets? Yes yes we all know you’re “solid”, but is your bestie?
Drinking!! Too much for one tweet but we all know inhibitions are out the window when topped up, and that’s the main ingredient for a No Act Right sandwich with a slice of infidelity. “Meh. I was drunk.” But when are you not?
We’re friggin beautiful! Ugh. I hate to turn this into a negative but it’s not like this makes the temptation to be unfaithful any easier to avoid! Both sexes! You lot are fiiiine k?
The size! Lord if this isn’t the answer to all our problems (not just re: relationships either) Regularly running into x’s, friends/family of x’s. Gossip! Teeny tiny choice pool (settling, resentment, STD’s). Boredom (with self, projects onto partner, looks for “fun”) on & on.
Marriage!???! Ha ha ha I laugh in the face of danger *Scar’s voice*. The idea of it sends some off Abbot’s Cliff and those that are married... forget. OFTEN. Also, most of us have never even seen a family unit work so how do we proceed??
The obsession to impress! Men aim to be cocksmen so they’re considered “the guy” and women are hyper-sexual or a men’s best friend to be “the it girl”. Gotta be fashionable. Gotta be rich. Gotta be a freak. Gotta blah blah blah ... When does it ennnnnd???
Anyway. There’s so many elements to this but listen... if you know a loved one who’s in a relationship in Bermuda. Pray for them. Wish them well. Cause it’s not for the faint of heart.
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