What if Astrology isn’t haram like most Muslims think? A thread:
Allah gave people gifts and also math taught us probability. Yes? Allah gave us brains to be able to study our environment, and how we interact, yes? Hence why we have psychology and sociology, yes?
Allah created the moon, planets and stars right? We know before there was GPS we used the stars to guide us and we’ve determined that the stars made patterns that we call contellations right? We can tell time using the position of the sun, right? And the moon pulls the tides?
What if Astrology is not magic like it has been assumed? What if Astrology is simply a science like every other -ology to explain the way humans behave based on Allah’s creation such as the moon and the planets?
Because taking everything we knoe about humans, there are things we do that need to be explained. Before we discovered mental illnesses, they used to say it was demonic possession, when it was really schizophrenia.
The planets and the stars are creations Allah. There was a literalt song made that sings those exact lyrics. We know the sun makes people happy because of endorphins
And the rain makes people sad because of a lack thereof. It’s called seasonal depression. What about behavior?
Allah created the human mind to be able to think for themselves. Before Islam was officially introduced, the scientific method still existed. People came to conclusions on their own and explained the world around them regardless if they prayed 5 times a day or not.
We know people are gifted at explaining the world beyond what we can see. We know some people have higher IQs than others and some have a deeper connection to spirituality than others. Why is that considered magic if those individuals are simply using their gifts & their brains?
Is it magic to tell time based on the position of the sun? Is it magic to create a picture using the stars? Is it magic to notice and study behavioral patterns of individuals based on their environment and their circumstances? No It’s science!
What if the planets and the stars operated in a way that affected our psyches on a subtle level that we don’t necessarily feel it, but we act on it on impulse therefore leading to human interactions to be influenced and actions done that can’t be explained?
Consider the fact that maybe there is nothing magical about having traits based on planetary positions and stars if you believe in Jinns and demonic possession. Because wouldn’t it kind of odd to believe that Allah created things we can’t see but studying planets is magic? Why?
What if Astrology is just an explanation of the things around us just like sociology? What if Astrology is a mixed of sociology, spirituality and math? Because we know math helps us determine THE PROBABILITY of something ocurring. What if it was applied to astrology?
We say Allah “determines” our futures but what if “determine” is the wrong word? Who says Allah is directly involved with our futures to determine how we live and behave in society if we know Allah is beyond our comprehension? Isn’t that why we say “Allah knows best”?
Allah isn’t a magician. Allah is a creator, a facilitator, which is why our actions or lack thereof can dictate our path but the end result is something that Allah decides. Hence we could do anything and shit might not happen, that’s what Allah has “determined”.
Allah doesnt even really “determine” anything. Allah perscribes things and they exist.“Allah knows best”because we don’t know for ourselves and things happen that we don’t control. So what if astrology is simply based on probability? Based on math?
Probability is never certain, but there is a probability for anything. There is a probablity that a lightning bolt strikes me as a write this thread, it’s minimal, but it exists. So why can’t the same principle be applied to astrology as it explains our PROBABLE futures?
Allah facitilates our paths, but we know that we as humans can make our own choices then the end result is what Allah determines. We make decisions every day but there are only certain things that are certain, and one of them is death as well as where we are born.
What if we misunderstood Astrology and demonised it because of said misunderstanding? Allah does not tell us to seek knowledge for nothing. We have tools available to us. We have books, we have teachers, we study so we can understand the world and be better. Why not astrology?
If we believe on spiritual beings like Jinns, why not utilise things we can actually see and determine with science? Why doesn’t astrology fit that mold? I think it does. Normalise astrology as a science, not magic.
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