So a then 27 yr old unmarried man with a severe drinking problem secretly adopts a 12 yr old boy from Cuba and hides the kid so well that nobody -- including your colleagues -- knew for half a decade until the kid is of legal age?


I'm calling the authorities.
He has referred to this boy in his orbit as everything EXCEPT a son. Literally crafted him identities as a kid from a local school and then a House Page.

This is going to be a WILD ride.
Matt Gaetz, Republican from FL and now suspected child sex trafficker.
All because he couldn't STAND that a Black man told a majority white House committee that they don't know what it's like to raise black children.

He is the perfect example of:
His "son" aka a "local student".
His "son" aka a "House Page".
His "son" aka the "mysterious kid I never even mentioned on my website or campaign materials for 6 years"
Also, he didn't legally adopt the boy -- whom Matt has admitted has been living with him for 6 years -- but the kid legally immigrated at 12 somehow?


Who sponsored it?

Did Matt Gaetz use his influence in govt to get this kid a green card?

So many questions....
The plot, it's thickening like gravy.
Well, he ain't legally adopted and I would suspect that's only one reason why  🙃 🙃 🙃
Somebody at the NYT or WaPo gonna have the background on this in like a week. This shit is W I L D. This is giving me Epstein and Mark Foley teas all rolled into one.
And he was one of if not THEE ONLY member to vote "No" on a human trafficking bill a while back. All of this is gross. Truly.
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