since some people are confused.

places to get pictures of Andy for your fan acc: his public social medias, his band's public social medias, official public publications, etc. - note the emphasis on public

places that are not okay: any private social medias belonging to anyone.
stop stalking the private social medias of people connected to him. or anyone for that matter. it's creepy as shit. idc if you're "running out of content" stop posting if that's the case.
can you tell I'm pissed off
the man has made such a point - so consistently - about how much he wants to keep his personal life out of the public eye. even if he hadn't it would still be weird and creepy to go on his friends and family's social media accounts. but it is so disrespectful of you to sit +
there and listen to him saying how much he wants to keep his personal live private; then go rummage around seeing who he follows to then stalk his friends accounts to find pictures of him - because I that's what these people are doing; and then have the audacity to call +
themselves a fan. utterly disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves for thinking that's a fun quirky way to get "original" content for your fan account. fuck off.
this is an additional part of the thing people, for some reason, have to keep saying: famous people's family and friends are not your easy access card to said famous people. you do not tag them, you do not message them, you do not ask them for things, and you +
DEFINITELY. DO. NOT. stalk their social medias for "content". I don't care if their social medias are public, and I absolutely do not want to think about you somehow tricking them into accepting your follow requests. don't do it. just stop. get some brains. famous people's +
friends and family are not pawns for you to get access to that person. they are their own people. leave them alone.
this also applies if certain members of their close friends and family are also famous as well. it's still not okay. don't tag a famous person's famous brother just to try and get the famous person to see your post. it's still weird. it's still trying to take advantage of a +
person's family and use them as pawns just so your favourite celebrity will see your post. they're not going to see it any faster if you tag anyone else they're linked with. no one is going to get a notification of getting tagged in a post addressing their friend and show it +
to their friend. they're probably more likely to block you than to show their friend your post about/for them. I 100% promise you all it does is make you come across as entitled and demanding.
would also suggest that if you are going to steal off someone's friends social media (which as we've discussed, you shouldn't be doing in the first place) don't fucking tag that person in it. they don't want to see you being a creepy weirdo online with photos of them.
I also hate how I am not even tweeting with a single person in mind I have seen so much of all of this everywhere and it is abysmal. do better.
if we're gonna go we might as well go all in. here's some other things you shouldn't do (aka a guide on how to act like a human being around other human beings??? because that's needed?): please don't approach famous people for photos/autographs if they're obviously in a +
social setting trying to just live their life like a normal human (aka if they're sitting around with their friends in a park or something) don't go up to them and start asking for photos and stuff it's so weird just let them be. sorry the only time you see your fave is when +
they just wanna act like a normal person like the rest of us. you'll survive. feel like this also extends to going to airports and hotels to meet faves. I know this is a bigger thing in some fandoms than others but it's still really weird just leave them be.
can't believe I'm back tweeting on this thread. stop asking famous people about stuff in their personal life. what they choose to share with you is what they will share with you. if they're not already sharing it, they're not going to. don't pressure them into sharing stuff +
about their personal life by tagging them in posts asking about anything in their personal life. I don't care if they posted 40 times in one day about a certain aspect of their life and never posted again. just don't ask them. you're not entitled to any part of their life +
just because they put that part of their life on the internet at some point in their life. asking a famous person to share parts of their personal life with you is, you guess it, creepy and an invasion of their privacy. stop harassing famous people to share their lives.
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