you don’t have to say a thing. in fact, what’s happening with the blm movement probably has no stake in your world. why? bc you don’t have to face incredible injustices by the very people who are supposed to protect you.
you are privileged in that sense. same as me, same as almost every other white cisgendered person in this country
we don’t need to be active or vocal because this simply isn’t life or death for us.
this isn’t life or death for people who look like us.
but the ability to be silent and continue walking thru life unaffected is our privilege.
we don’t face racial biases every day.
we don’t have to deal with never-ending microaggressions.
edmund burke is most commonly attributed for saying
“the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
as people of privilege, while yes, we don’t need to be active or vocal, shouldn’t we we do something, anything, if we see unjust things happening in the world around us?
to be silent or to do nothing is ethically the same as lynching your neighbor.
to be complacent is the same as saying there’s no problem at all.
it is our duty, as allies, to speak up bc 9 times out of 10, our voices will have more resonance.
it’s not right, it’s just another problem we’re unaffected by. another example of our privilege
the reason your silence is judged is bc it’s not enough to not be a racist.
we have to be actively anti-racist by fighting for all of God’s children, constantly educating ourselves, and speaking up when an injustice occurs.
i’m not trying to be woke and “fight for attention” by this thread.
i’m trying my hardest to get you to see where the stigma for silence is coming from (rightfully so, in my opinion)
people are dying katherine.
how would you feel if it was your sister or brother or mother or father or even your second cousin you met one time??
i’d bet money you wouldn’t be as silent or complacent then.
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