Please tell me WHICH STATE in this country has blacks enslaved?? In chains?? Not able to walk outside & enjoy the same (actually MORE) freedoms as Whites, Latinos and Asians?? This is all based on a media sanctioned & endorsed LIE.
These are what you call “FACTS”. I know liberals have an extremely difficult time with them, BUT YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM. Almost TWICE AS MANY WHITES WERE KILLED ‼️ but the media/racist politicians don’t AMPLIFY EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of *those*.
Whites don’t have trendy little hashtags. Whites don’t have handouts/support from every billion dollar corporation in America.Whites can’t act like entitled aggrieved millionaire a$sholes lecturing folks about how fu€king “OPPRESSED” they are. Damn I wish I was that “oppressed”!
MORE facts. Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 50+% of the crime.
Y’ALL WORK ON THAT NUMBER and you’ll see less of you getting shot. Whitey can’t FIX THIS 👇🏻FOR YOU, so you BLAME US for it. While you actively commit crimes against us.
We are witnessing the largest gaslighting attempt in recorded history. Whitey, READ THIS. 👇🏻 This is what the media, politicians, athletes, Pedowood, THIS is what they are doing. You are not crazy. This is a (well planned) attempt at demoralizing you and making you GO crazy.
Stop with trying to prove how “not racist” you are.
Stop with talking about “but muh black friends”.
Stop with SHAMING other Whites for being PROUD of our race.
Stop HELPING them gaslight you.
Stop BEGGING them to like you, THEY DON’T.
And for God’s sake, GIVE UP on the idea of a “melting pot” sold to OUR country by a British JEW with absolutely no dog in the fight. If melting pots are so great, they should absolutely turn Israel into one. No? So “diversity” is just everybody ELSE’S “greatest strength”, gotcha.
So, I’ll leave you with this. We’ve all seen this meme. But why is that? Whites can’t be proud of their race w/out getting called “Nazis” or “white supremacists”. Don’t let THEM dictate what is ok & what is not. I am white & proud, if that makes me a racist, SO BE IT, IDGAF. 🖕🏻
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