I've been sharing anti-racist resources daily on IG, and have been overwhelmed by how many people are engaging with them. 📚

There's a real hunger to redress the erasure and distortion of colonial histories in public memory, and examine the depths of structural racism.

... Anti-racist education MUST endure beyond this social media 'moment' ‼️

I'm starting this thread to share articles and resources that I've found useful (feel free to DM with recommendations!):

Amazing list of films by black directors, made by Habibi Collective

@GeorgeThePoet podcast mixes a lyrical stream of consciousness with grime/poetry/history/humour to provide political commentary and present the reality of life for marginalised youth. My favourite podcast - listen! https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07915kd/episodes/downloads
'A Black History of Art' on Instagram - started by a friend, diversify your feed!

Sitting in Limbo - BBC Drama about the devastating true story of Anthony Bryan, who was detained twice and almost deported, one of 1000s mistreated and wrongfully detained during the Windrush scandal https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p08g29ff/sitting-in-limbo
Resource for South Asians, on how to talk about #BlackLivesMatter with family and friends

This post is great too - https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-iQ7Ang5u/ 

You can follow @AmikaGeorge.
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