Immigrant parents who are doctors and professors are not the same as immigrant parents who are working class.
There are inevitably a set of privileges that exist from socioeconomic status in the immigrant kid experience and it’s disingenuous to obfuscate immigrant upbringings as similar and not altered due to class or parental education.
Having a parent who immigrated through an education pathway and makes it (some don’t) does alter the experience you have as an immigrant kid, it also is easier to navigate things like school.
Diaspora/immigrant kid writing/cultural production is saturated with very specific tellings and narratives from very specific voices and recreates hegemony. The lack of nuance and class analysis is a gaping hole because of the immigrant voices that are centered in media.
Having parents with an undergraduate degree alone alters the immigrant kid experience alone let alone multiple degrees or professional degrees. It changes the type of labour they do, the way they navigate the world and the supports they need/how they can support their kids.
Even things like having parents who don’t need help w translation, paperwork or computers changes the experience. Having parents who have certain “etiquette” from professional spaces (thinking of that viral discussion about how you have to email a thank you after job interviews)
While you’re here consider donating to Black Immigrants in Minnesota
This is a fundraiser that is very important, threatening life sentences for property damage is a way to quell dissent, please give if you can and share
Okay this should’ve never blown up, it’s basic and should be understood and I’ve muted. Didn’t need this traction and weird misdirected anger or to hear about people’s childhoods.
the original argument is so simple, the immigrant experience is mediated by your social situation
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