Not trynna toot my horn but so y’all know Oklahoma has lots of Black & Brown folks who are trying to DO OUR BEST to let y’all know we are not down with the complacent white supremacist oil-lovin prison-lovin shits! My friends and I dropped this banner at former gov’s last speech
Not gonna pretend like it’s easy or fun opposing red politics in a deep red state, and it’s a lot worse when you’re Native/Black or both. Get a lot of threats and harassment. Please pay respects (not me I’m fine) to the Black/Native Okies you know trying to fight the good fight.
I have friends in Oklahoma who are down as fuck, who have locked themselves to pipeline equipment, I’ve camped out with folks from all over OK to fight the oil regime we have here. I have Black attorney friends committed to decarceration and advocacy. It’s LIT out here.
AND we got hella trans folks out here working in positions of advocacy in various areas who are always showing out for each other and for Black and Native folks. We have small town rural trans folks who find each other and make community. Shout out to each and every one of y’all
So what I’m saying is that Okie grassroots resistance is some of the realest resistance there is. The folks I know out here are some of the most dedicated, hardworking, and self-sacrificing advocates I know. This ain’t big city performative shit. Advocates are survivors.
We have Okie lifers here who never left Oklahoma to save themselves. They stay and & take whatever position they can to help folks like and unlike them. They’ll take pay cuts, they’ll take abuse from elected officials, they’ll take anything to keep it where it matters most—home.
If we didn’t have folks fighting for each other then we’d have nothing. We know the state doesn’t give a shit about us and would rather see us all dead. That’s why we stay home and watch out for each other. If we all fled Oklahoma, so many people would be left behind.
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