Earlier today, I promised I would start sharing some of my best content on this platform for my engaged audience.

Today I have something very deep to show you.

This will change the way you approach your marketing forever especially if you sell your own products... https://twitter.com/motalem269/status/1273612469278302211
However I have one favor to ask you before you read on
Just one.

Ill request that for the next 2 minutes, you set aside any religious bias you might have so you can learn the important lesson at the end of this Thread.

Let’s Go!
Today I will be making a marketing analogy from THE most popular parable in the Bible.

“The Parable of The Sower”

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Jesus was a master at telling stories that not only captivated the audience, but taught so many lessons that you could retell them for ages and they would still have relevant meanings.

One day, he was seated in a boat by the lake. You know… chillin...
Then the people gathered to him in their numbers and he began to tell them a story:

There was a farmer who set out to sow seed.
He went with his seed in hand and began to spread.
He took some seed and spread them and they fell along the path people walked by.

The seeds were exposed so birds flew down, ate the seeds and they produced no result.
He took some more seed, Spread them and they fell on rocky places.

Those places didn’t have much soil so while the seeds sprouted quickly, they withered soon after.

He wasn’t deterred.
He spread some more seed and they landed among thorns so while they grew, they were soon chocked out by the thorns and produced zero result.
Then, he spread some and they landed on GOOD SOIL and boy oh boy did the seed grow.

Some produced in a hundred fold, some sixty fold and some thirty fold.
You might be asking right now...

"Benny, how does this relate to me?"

Well you see, you’re the farmer. You’re trying to spread the word about your awesome product or service with your advertising (your seed) to produce a result (your harvest)

and that’s great!
However, you might be making a mistake most newbie entrepreneurs make.

Relying on one source of business traffic!
Tell me, what would have happened to the farmer if he had kept spraying on the path waiting for “God’s time?”


if he had just tried two channels and gone to bed?

What would his harvest be?
Friend , you know the answer to this.


Dear entrepreneur, expand your reach.

Its okay to be an expert in one channel but do not limit yourself to that.

Explore, search and break boundaries and perhaps you too will harvest in thirty fold, sixty fold and a hundred fold.

Thanks for sticking with this thread to the end.

Hope you got something new from it too!

Smash a like❤️ or an RT 🔁and keep following for more marketing and advertising insights.

You can follow @motalem269.
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