Why I Drink Coffee (and need more) A Journey:

*Reviewing a 1040, wondering how in the world the staff person managed to get every single number on the K1 input wrong*

"This is crazy!" I say to myself as I change every number.

*Realization* "Uh oh, we prepare this S Corp return and all those numbers were directly imported to the 1040. And my changes are showing as a mis-match!"
"Crap!" I say (out loud, to myself)

"What is wrong with our system??"

"This S Corp was filed months ago!"
"How many other returns were impacted by this apparent system wide issue?"

"We will need to amend everything!"
*Drafts Solemn email to the partner on the account explaining that we have a major problem*

***Curses Incoherently***
**Allows my eyes to drift to the top of the import screen***

It's the California K1 Input.
*Refills my coffee mug*
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