But it fits a pattern. There's a peculiar rage that afflicts some right-wingers when asked to bear even minor inconveniences to protect the public good. I remember Erick Erickson threatening violence over ... phosphates in dishwasher detergent 2/ https://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/05/phosphate-memories/
The rage over "cancel culture" is also, I think, part of this syndrome; some people can't stand the idea that they should be asked to, say, avoid insulting women or minorities, as if that were a terrible imposition 3/
I'm not fully sure I understand what's going on, but I suspect that what enrages these people isn't the cost, but the benefit — they aren't so much against wearing masks as against doing so *to help others*. And a lot of people die because of their pettiness 4/
And, of course, Trump thinks it's all about him 5/ https://twitter.com/MichaelCBender/status/1273640861398679554
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