i’m teaching my daughter presence in the home lol no people runnin in and out no electronics blasting unless it’s time to dance & play. no energy unaccounted for everything running on a hourly schedule lmao.
n parents think i’m extreme but out of my daughter’s last year in my life she has never woke up in the middle of the night lmaoo and she only cries when she’s hungry. when you got loose ass energy running through your crib of course it makes a child uneasy
I use the planetary hours as guide. I feel like it’s so easy to focus on creating these extravagant experiences for kids & give them “things u never had” but what about the basics dawg lol they need to learn how to enjoy their own company & pace themself + decompress
truthfully kids grow up & don’t give a fuck about all the shit our parents thought was the funnest & cutest lol what’s not so easy to discard is our relationship wit ourself within our own space & how we internalize & react to people and energy when they enter our space or aura
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