I have had people assume that just because I think they're alright in general I'd excuse the fact they support the LGB Alliance & when I say "I won't have a radfem in my house" it's a punch on the arm & not me though buddy, right?

No. I absolutely include you.

Here's why. 1/
I have told you for months now what this group is like, what these people are like. You all ignored me. Yes I'm fucking furious.

When I was still a terf what ultimately became the LGBA sent me a DM asking me if I'd be interested in being part of a movement. 2/
I had no idea what they were on about but they asked me for my name which I was like lol here's my throwaway email. They invited me to some meet in London which I didn't go to because I wasn't travelling to London for some terf shit at short notice. 3/
I later found out this was the meet they had Gary Powell speaking at as well as a bunch of straight people, but they didn't invite v many gay people. Weird.

That made me back away so I didn't like it. Right at the start. I said I didn't like it early doors. 4/
Anyway I said really early on I thought the LGB Alliance stunk, even when I was still terfy. You all ignored it.

In fact, do you know what you fucking did??? 5/
Some of you nice lefty feminists sent me emotionally manipulative DMs telling me all about your lesbian flings of the past to try and get me to work with them, because if I didn't like it, I could change it.

Fuck you. And fuck your 'attempts to change'. 6/
I was absolutely 100% right to listen to my gut then, just look at that fuckery. This is what every single one of you has enabled. Piss off. Fucking pets. You'd sell us all out if it meant you got your pathetic radfem ideology. Fuck you. 7/
Never, ever trust a radical feminist especially one that claims she's a left winger. Fucking pathetic.

And no I wouldn't have any of you in my house. Or go for a fucking drink with you. Call up your LGBA pals & chip away at my rights instead. Fucking pets. 8/
You'll learn the hard way these religious freaks they all run to can't tell the difference between us, when the chips are down we are all queer to a fundie bumping a bible in your face. Or in a courtroom. You're no 'superior' to the transes, dipshit. You'll learn that. 9/9
Poland has LGBT people being treated like shit left right & centre with people going on TV saying we aren't even human & you think supporting a group like this isn't drip feeding that kind of toxic bullshit? Get to fuck. Get absolutely to fuck.
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