TW: sexual assault

After tweeting about being a survivor of multiple sexual traumas, I had an outpouring of support AND a lot of people come forward with their own stories.

I am proud of every one of you and honored you trust me with your personal stories.

BUT!!.... (1 of 5)
I still see the common theme of people blaming their own actions that lead to said situation or how they handled it afterward.


Society wants you to do this to yourself. Because it’s always been run by the patriarchy/power-hungry men
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And those are the exact types of people that are often the abusers themselves. This is the brainwashing they want. The more you feel at fault, the less likely they’ll get in trouble. This is a power play, which goes hand-in-hand with how abusers and rapists operate.
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Just remember: You did nothing wrong. You didn’t deserve it. You didn’t ask for it. You not reporting it doesn’t erase what happened. You staying with the person doesn’t mean they weren’t to blame. You not telling anyone doesn’t make you a bad person.
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You’re a survivor and you’re WORTHY of health, healing, and happiness.

I love you all and I stand by your side.

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You can follow @FeliciaRose.
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