Storytime plebs:

As you can tell from my Twitter handle I'm from the middle of fucking nowhere. I grew up in the country near a tiny town far away from any city.

For the most part my town was a white monoculture. My parents always taught us not to be racist.

But there was a ton of passive racism in my community.

Fast forward to grade 11. I moved to a small city in the same province while my mom went to university.

About 3 months into my new life/new school I had a love at first sight situation with a beautiful girl who eventually became my wife.

She was the first black person I ever really got to know. Being with her for the past 25 years has been eye opening to say the least.

I've learned things I'd never have learned if I only ever dated (and married) white girls.

I have dozens of in-laws in Jamaica who have taken me in as part of the family. They've truly acted as though we are all one human family. My family has treated my wife the same.

On the negative side, I've seen direct incidences of racism against my wife. These moments have, at times, sent me into an uncontrollable rage.

What I'm trying to say is that in this current culture war there is a lot wrong with the BLM movement.

I feel in large part it's been highjacked by literal commies whose agenda is to divide and create chaos.

I also believe a lot of the unjust police killings are more a problem of state sponsored violence than racism.

But as fellow bitcoiners I hope you never assume that I condone any type of racism. Furthermore, I'm specifically saying that it is a bad problem. It's a huge problem that has to be rectified.

I just believe it has to be rectified one human at a time because it lives in the heart's of individuals.

I'm more focused on what I believe are the bigger issues: the money is broken and the state has way too much power.

But if I criticize the BLM movement don't ever assume I'm giving tacit approval to any type of racism.

The end
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